Kamila Tarka, Maurycy Żamojcin, Michał Lewiński
Współczesna terapia choroby afektywnej jednobiegunowej
Current therapy of unipolar depression
Unipolar depression is a prevalent health issue. Biological, psychological and social factors all play a role in causing depression. Neurotransmitters concentration dysfunction seems to largely influence patophysiology of the disorder. Depression can manifest itself in multiple ways and with varying intensity, including very low mood, inability to experience pleasure, feelings of worthlessness, guilt or regret, insomnia, or even symptoms of psychosis. It may also come secondary to chronic or terminal medical conditions. The most commonly used methods in the treatment of depression are pharmacotherapy and counseling, combined therapy brings the best results. Most antidepressants work through affecting the concentration of neurotransmitters, in particular: serotonin, noradrenaline, dopamine, resulting in increased number of side-effects, also life-threatening.
Keywords: Unipolar depression, therapy
© Farm Pol, 2018, 74(8): 505-508