Beata Ulewicz-Magulska, Jan Pawełkiewicz, Marek Wesołowski
Kawa źródłem antyodżywczych szczawianów w diecie człowieka
DOI: 10.32383/farmpol/119179
Coffee – a source of anti-nutritional oxalates in human diet
The aim of this work was to give the basic information on the content of oxalates in coffee infusions, which are very popular beverages among populations of many countries worldwide. Beneficial effects of coffee drinking for human health are a result of antioxidant properties of polyphenolic compounds that are found in coffee infusions. On the other hand, coffee infusions consist of other chemical constituents, such as sodium, potassium or calcium oxalates that are natural anti-nutrients influenced the mineral balance in the human organism. For this reason, the quantitation of the content of oxalates in coffee infusions is a very important issue.
Keywords: oxalates, natural anti-nutrient, coffee infusions
© Farm Pol, 2018, 74 (4): 206–209