Krzysztof Niwiński, Witold Brniak, Renata Jachowicz
Farmaceutyczne aspekty terapii geriatrycznej
DOI: 10.32383/farmpol/119183
Pharmaceutical aspects of geriatric therapy
The increasing number of older people in the demographic structure of highly developed societies requires adaptation of the health system to provide them with better care. In order to minimize risk of pharmacotherapy, needs and preferences of elderly patients should be understood during design process of geriatric medicines. It is necessary to consider the diversity of this group of patients, including active people as well as those suffering from neurodegenerative diseases, difficulties with swallowing or vision impairment. Therefore, drug development includes dosage forms designed to facilitate swallowing (ODT and ODF), as well as sprinkle capsules whose content can be mixed with food. The functionality and safety of packaging and the utility of drug organizers enabling the better management of pharmacotherapy are analyzed. There are also prepared guidelines for geriatric therapy, including lists of drugs contraindicated in older people and criteria for eliminating unnecessary medicines used by patients in this group.
Keywords: geriatry, polypharmacy, potentially inappropriate medication
© Farm Pol, 2018, 74(4): 247-253