Edyta Rysiak, Ewelina Bogdańska, Milena Osińska, Adam Kazberuk, Michał Dębczyński, Maciej Turlewicz, Rafał Kierdylewicz
Opieka farmaceutyczna w astmie
DOI: 10.32383/farmpol/119195
Pharmaceutical care for asthma
Pharmaceutical care for asthma is a social and economic problem with a heterogeneous pathogenesis and clinical picture. According to civilization development number of patients with asthma is still increasing. The role of the pharmacists in pharmaceutical care is not only about education process of drug application but also about appropriate using of devices. Due to this it is beneficial for therapeutics targets achievement. Possible side effects minimization and higher pharmacotherapy success is related with increased knowledge level about correct inhalers usage. No supervision of treatment effectiveness commonly results from patient’s ignorance and lack of discipline as well as no awareness of self-control. In 2012 in Poland approximate monthly medicine cost was 251,32 PLN while direct cost in terms of National Health Fund was 3240,88 PLN. Annual asthmarelated cost in the UE accounts for nearly 17,7 billion euro while the loss of production power due to poor asthma management generates the cost of 9,8 billion euro in Europe every year, which accounts for approximately 30% of the total cost.
Keywords: asthma, pharmaceutical care, costs of treatment
© Farm Pol, 2018, 74 (3): 184–188