Ewa Żurawska-Płaksej, Joanna Górka-Dynysiewicz, Adriana Pęcherz, Aleksandra Bielawska-Pohl
Białkowe transportery błonowe jako przyczyna oporności wielolekowej w chorobach nowotworowych
Membrane transport proteins as a cause of multidrug resistance in cancers · The increasing incidence of cancers is a serious health problem in the world. A high mortality of oncological patients results, among others, from the lack of fully effective therapeutic methods. In addition, multidrug resistance (MDR) of tumor cells to chemotherapeutic agents has been observed in recent years, which causes the failure of chemotherapy. The most important role in the development of drug resistance in cancer seems to be played by protein membrane carriers from the ABC family, such as: P-glycoprotein, MRP1 protein and BCRP protein. The work characterizes these proteins and describes the mechanisms of removal of drugs from cells in the aspect of the development of drug resistance.
Keywords: multidrug resistance, ATP-binding casette transporters, cancer.
© Farm Pol, 2017, 73 (12): 722–726