Stanisław Maksymowicz, Łukasz Puchała

Społeczny odbiór opieki farmaceutycznej wśród kobiet w ciąży oraz matek małych dzieci województwa warmińsko-mazurskiego. Badanie pilotażowe metodą zogniskowanego wywiadu grupowego

Social reception of pharmaceutical care among pregnant women and mothers of young children in Warmińsko-Mazurskie voivodship. Pilot study using focus group interview · Pregnant women and mothers of small children are a specific group of patients. The study identified the criteria used by patients to meet their medical needs. Most of the people surveyed have shown limited trust in the pharmacist when choosing a drug or supplement while indicating interest and willingness to use a new medical service such as pharmaceutical care. This is a great opportunity to improve the image of the profession of pharmacist and the qualitative characteristics and availability of this service will be the criterion for its effective introduction. Validation of questions and evaluation criteria will be used in the population survey.

Keywords: pharmaceutical care, pregnant women, mothers of toddlers, social pharmacy, and pharmacy.

© Farm Pol, 2017, 73 (12): 716–721

Społeczny odbiór opieki farmaceutycznej wśród kobiet w ciąży oraz matek małych dzieci województwa warmińsko-mazurskiego. Badanie pilotażowe metodą zogniskowanego wywiadu grupowego

88.04 kB | 15 marca 2018