Dorota Kida, Janusz Pluta
Ocena właściwości fizykochemicznych opatrunków stomatologicznych wytworzonych na bazie Carbopolu 971P i metylocelulozy
The evaluation of physical-chemical properties of stomatological dressings prepared from Carbopol 971P and methylocellulose
In this study we assesed the consistencies of prepared hydrogels by back extrusion test, wash out time and viscosity. All the formulations demonstrated thixotrophy and high viscosity. The addition of hydrophiliser to the polymers dispersion has been found to decrease firmness, cohesiveness, index of viscosity and prolong the time of their washing down. The highest firmness, cohesiveness, index of viscosity and wash out time was found for hydrogel formulation consists of 1,5% Carbopol and 0,13% methylocelulose water dispersion.
Keywords: stomatological dressing, hydrogels, Carbopol 971P, methylocelullose.
© Farm Pol, 2011, 67(12): 799-803