Andrzej Śliwczyński, Melania Brzozowska, Jacek Paszkiewicz
Analiza wskaźnikowa danych z aptek otwartych, sprawozdawanych do Narodowego Funduszu Zdrowia w zakresie zużycia leków, w podziale na grupy terapeutyczne, w latach 2005–2009
Ratio analysis of data reported by public pharmacies to the National Healthcare Fund in regard to consumption of medicines by therapeutic groups in years 2005–2009
The article discusses consumption of prescription drugs financed by public funds under the public healthcare programme (public pharmacies). In order to better compare calculated ratio values (growth ratio and linear correlation) the consumption of prescription drugs was discussed by major therapeutic groups, as per ATC classification. Criteria used indicated material differences in quantities of packages sold and values of refunds paid to pharmacies by public payer. At the same time it was proven that the growth ratio of the consumption of prescription drugs, observed within last four years, is different in individual groups. Despite the fact that there are groups where sales remain at comparable level, general increase values in this market segment are high (increase by 30% in refund value and by 22% in quantity of sold packages), exceeding in multi-folds the macroeconomic values of indicators of economic development.
Keywords: cost of drugs, refund paid, pharmacoeconomics.
© Farm Pol, 2011, 67(8): 499-505