Maria Wojcik-Jawień, Anna Wrona
Analiza problemow lekowych sygnalizowanych przez uczestnikow medycznych forow internetowych
Analysis of drug-related problems indicated by participants of Internet medical forums
The purpose of this study was to analyze the problems indicated by the participants of seven selected medical Internet forums. As a result, several groups of drugrelated problems were identified (including side effects, the cost of pharmacotherapy, the lack of product and/or information about it). It was found, that drug-related problems are largely the result of ignorance of the patient on implemented pharmacotherapy as a holistic process of treatment, the lack of effective cooperation between a doctor and a patient, too high costs of treatment which often make it impossible to implement the most effective treatment. At the same time it was observed that the forum discussions have a positive effect on patient adherence. Advices provided by the Internet users did not endanger the lives of the people who wanted to put them into practice.
Keywords: Internet forums, drug-related problems, patient adherence, drug information.