Agnieszka Skowron, Bogumiła Rybka
Bariery we wprowadzaniu opieki farmaceutycznej w Polsce
Barriers in pharmaceutical care implementation in Poland
The aim of study was to find the reasons for lack of pharmaceutical care in the Polish community pharmacies.
Methods. The questionnaire survey was carried out within pharmacists employed in community pharmacies. Pharmacists were asked to point out 3 out of 10 barriers listed in the questionnaire, which hamper implementation of pharmaceutical care and rank these barriers from one to three, where one means the most and three the less important barrier out of all chosen ones.
Results. As much as 87.5% (n = 378) of questionnaires were returned from 87.3% (n = 179) of community pharmacies where questionnaires were distributed. Based on responses, “lack of an appropriate place to talk with a patient” (15.4%, n = 173), “lack of time to have a talk with a patient” (12.9%, n = 146), and “lack of proper software” (11.9%, n = 135) represent the most prevalent choices.
Conclusion. Higher engagement of pharmacists in the patient care needs a change of work organization in community pharmacies
Keywords: Pharmaceutical care, questionnaire survey, barrier.