Magdalena Wróblewska, Katarzyna Winnicka
Tabletki szybko rozpadające się w jamie ustnej. Metody oceny jakości
Orally fast disintegrating tablets. An overview of evaluation techniques
Fast disintegrating tablets (FDT) are a new generation of dosage forms which combine the advantages of both liquid and conventional tablet formulations. They disintegrate very fast when placed in the mouth. Although, numerous technologies had been developed for the fabrication of these unique dosage forms, but so far, no standardized techniques have been designed or mentioned in pharmacopoeias for their evaluation. The final selection of an appropriate evaluation method depends on the consideration of the manufacturing technology, taste masking approach employed and the excipients used in the product development process. This article attempts to present a review regarding technological advances made in area of evaluation of FDT with respect to special characteristics of these unique dosage forms.
Keywords: dissolution, porosity, disintegration test, taste masking, E-tongue.