Agnieszka Bazylko

Substancje roślinne, wskazania i przeciwwskazania do stosowania w czasie ciąży i przygotowania do porodu

Raw materials, indications and contraindications of their usage during pregnancy and preparing to labour
The review starts with the classification of raw materials according to indications for the application in pregnancy which is presented in monographs of ESCOP. Several comments for the above-mentioned monographs and reports about the usage of ethereal oils in both pregnancy and the time of delivery contribute the next part of writing. The third part of the article includes discussion about herbal medicinal products that can be applied in sicknesses related with pregnancy (mainly ginger used as an effective product in pregnancy-related nausea and vomiting) and which are recommended by midwives to prepare for labour (leaf raspberry, evening primrose oil).
Keywords: pregnancy, labor, Zingiberis rhizoma, Rubi idaei folium, Oenotherae oleum.

Substancje roślinne, wskazania i przeciwwskazania do stosowania w czasie ciąży i przygotowania do porodu

248.37 kB | 21 grudnia 2017