Jadwiga Marczewska, Jolanta Krzysztoń-Russjan, Ewa Karwicka

Ocena możliwości zastosowania aparatu DeltaTox do badań czystości mikrobiologicznej produktów leczniczych

Possibility of application of DeltaTox analyzer for evaluation of microbiological contamination of medicinal products. Quantitative and qualitative methods applied for evaluation of microbiological contamination described in the European Pharmacopeia are time-consuming due to the incubation period, which lasts usually up to 14 days. One of the alternative methods used for evaluation of microbiological contamination is the method based on luciferin-luciferase light producing reaction proposed by Chapelle and Lenin. This reaction requires ATP (adenosine triphosphate) present in every living cell. The intensity of bioluminescence measured is directly proportional to ATP amount in the system and it can be easily recalculated into biomass amount.
The aim of the study was to evaluate the possibility of the DeltaTox analyzer application for quantification of microorganisms in medicinal products samples. The DeltaTox instrument was designed for rapid quantification of total viable biomass present in water and for toxicity testing. Using the DeltaTox analyzer you can achieve a quick response in chemical or microbiological contamination of drinking water tests.
Keywords: luciferin, bioluminescence, ATP, DeltaTox.

Ocena możliwości zastosowania aparatu DeltaTox do badań czystości mikrobiologicznej produktów leczniczych

170.68 kB | 21 grudnia 2017