Agnieszka Zimmermann, Lubomira Wengler
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Filling in medical prescriptions. The rules of filling in medical prescriptions often raise numerous doubts as well as reservations. On the one hand, they are to constitute procedures of safe dispensing of medicinal drugs by a pharmacist, on the other hand, however, with their level of complexity and proceduralisation overloading, they are often a distortion of the rules of conduct towards a patient. The article below constitutes a summary of the stipulations of the Minister of Health's regulations on medical prescriptions, on dispensing of medicinal products and medical devices by pharmacies as well as of the law on health care services financed with public funds.
It also refers to the possibilities, provided for by the law, of refusing to fill in a prescription. Moreover, the article describes the principles of a pharmacy's liabilities for wrongly filled in prescriptions, which raise a number of justified doubts and polemics. The analysis of the legal acts in question simultaneously constitutes a base for their evaluation as well as for putting forward the proposed postulates to change the binding regulations. In the legal status valid today and in the formed National Health Fund practice the negative consequences of prescriptions incorrectly written by physicians are to be suffered by patients or pharmacists, who have no influence on the contents of medical prescriptions. Therefore, changing such a situation as quickly as possible should be postulated.
legislation, filling in medical prescriptions, dispensing medicinal preparations.