Martyna Bak, Dorota Górska

Celiprolol - wielofunkcyjny -bloker III generacji

Celiprolol - multifunctional -blocker of the third generation. Celiprolol is a cardioselective -blocker with intrinisic sympathomimetic activity and 2-adrenomimetic property. The drug is a weak -adrenoreceptor antagonist, generates nitric oxide (NO) and increases an atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) release. Celiprolol, given in short term period, does not produce adverse respiratory effects in human with mild to moderate reversible airway disease or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Therapy with celiprolol improves the plasma lipid profile and insulin sensitivity. Although celiprolol is useful in patients with hypertension and stable effort angina, it does not decrease mortality in chronic heart failure.
Keywords: celiprolol, -blocker III generation.

Celiprolol - wielofunkcyjny -bloker III generacji

121.49 kB | 21 grudnia 2017