Sebastian Polak, Barbara Wiśniowska

Modelowanie komputerowe w badaniach nad lekiem - projektowanie i poszukiwanie cząstki aktywnej, ocena właściwości fizykochemicznych oraz aktywności biologicznej

Pharmaceutical industry is one of the highly investing in research and development branch of industry. Such a situation is caused by both - their specificity (science depending) and world market competition. Being forced to fulfil growing expectations from all sides - patients who needs more effective and safe therapies, insurance companies and health care systems as they expect cost-effective drugs, pharmaceutical scientists are constantly looking for the new research methods and techniques. Fast development of the chemical and mathematical modelling techniques, effectively supported by the dramatic increase of the computer computational power, together with relatively low costs of implementation results in their wide usage in pharmaceutical science and industry. It begins at the level of new chemicals search and development, through activity, toxicity and safety assessment to the clinical studies modelling. Virtual pharmacy has become a fact.
Keywords: new research methods, in silico, computational pharmacy

Modelowanie komputerowe w badaniach nad lekiem - projektowanie i poszukiwanie cząstki aktywnej, ocena właściwości fizykochemicznych oraz aktywności biologicznej

548.59 kB | 21 grudnia 2017