Andrzej Dryś, Dominik M. Marciniak, Janusz Pluta

Statystyczna analiza danych. Część III. Analiza błędów pomiarowych.

Data Analysis. Part 3: Analysis of uncertainity in measurements. Any physical measurement process consists of sampling and sample preparation, measurement of the test portion, evaluation of the measurement (data reduction), and reporting measurement results in terms of an estimate of the analyte amount (measurand) and its uncertainty. The approach to reporting the estimate of the measurand together with a measurement uncertainty is different from the classical evaluation of the mean value of repetitive measurements and its standard deviation. Uncertainty (of measurement) is defined as a parameter associated with the results of a measurement, that characterizes the dispersion of the values that could reasonably be attributed to the measurand. Its quantification is of utmost importance in all types of measurement, and therefore guidelines with examples were developed for some analytical techniques for better understanding of this evaluation methodology by the analytical community.