Joanna Karolewska, Katarzyna Zając, Roman Dobrucki
Wpływ olejków eterycznych, alkoholu 1,4-dichlorobenzylowego
oraz chlorku cetylopirydyniowego na działanie przeciwdrobnoustrojowe
mieszaniny chlorheksydyny i salicylanu choliny w tabletkach do ssania.
The influence of volatile oil, 1,4-dichlorinebenzyl alcohol and cetylopyridine chloride on counteraction of functioning microorganisms of mixture of chlorhexidine and choline salicylate in sucking tablets. Dichlorohydride of chlorohexidine for the sake of slight solubility in water, is used in preparations of local action, where extended counteraction of functioning microorganisms is required. Practical application of dichlorohydride of chlorohexidine in tablets is also a result of ability of this compound to accumulate on mucous membrane, with simultaneous counteraction of functioning microorganisms especially towards pathogenic strain of microorganisms.On the basis of previous research, it was found the growth of counteraction of functioning microorganisms efficiency of chlorohexidine under the influence of derivatives of salicylic acid in tablets. To increase a curative efficiency, extra components was added to the mixture of therapeutic substance.Test runs of tablets were made subject to quality research according to FPVI method, while an efficiency of counteraction of functioning microorganisms was examined by a quantitative-suspension method according to CEN. It was found the growth of efficiency of counteraction of functioning microorganisms of a mixture of chlorohexidine and choline salicylate under the influence of volatile oils towards all strains of microorganisms used in examination.