Elżbieta Budzisz, Daria Orszulak-Michalak

Maria Skłodowska-Curie, Alicja Dorabialska, Zofia Jerzmanowska - wspólna nić historii

Maria Sklodowska-Curie, Alicja Dorabialska, Zofia Jerzmanowska - common thread in history. This paper is devoted to three prominent Polish female scientists: Maria Sklodowska-Curie, Alicja Dorabialska and Zofia Jerzmanowska. The scientific achievements of Maria Sklodowska-Curie are famous in the world. Importance of the research of Alicja Dorabialska and Zofia Jerzmanowska is well recognised in Poland and especially in Lodz. The is a kind of historical relationship between these persons. Alicja Dorabialska was a stipendist of Maria Sklodowska-Curie and Zofia Jerzmanowska was Alicja Dorabialska's student. In 2004 years we celebrated 70th anniversary of Maria Sklodowska-Curieís death and 5th anniversary of Zofia Jerzmanowska's death.