Michał J. Markuszewski, Paweł Wiczling, Roman Kaliszan

Modele farmakokinetyczne. Farmakokinetyka podania doustnego leków oraz wielokrotne podanie leku

Pharmacokinetic models. Pharmacokinetics after oral absorption and multiple dosage regimens. Drugs are in dynamic state within the body as they move between tissues and fluids, bind with plasma or cellular components, or are metabolized. The biologic nature of drug distribution and disposition is complex. The inherent and infinite complexity of these events requires the use of mathematical models. A pharmacokinetic model is a hypothesis using mathematical terms to describe quantitative relationships. In the article a different pharmacokinetic models are described and explained. Also, there are listed purposes for which pharmacokinetic models are used. Particular attention is given to pharmacokinetics after oral absorption and multiple dosage regimens.