Andrzej Jankowski, Małgorzata Gadomska-Nowak, Anna Stępniewska

Technologia sporządzania czopków i maści z zastosowaniem unguatora. Część I. Receptura czopków

Technology of suppositories and ointments with use of unguator. Part 1. Manufacture of suppositories. Unguator, advanced mixing technology apparate, makes possible a preparation of solid and semi-solid dosage forms compounding in closed system concerning homogenization and packing in special containers relatively to the form of drugs. The aim of this part of study was evaluation of Unguator in preparation of suppositories. The apparate was particularly tested for the solution of technological problems with preparation of suppositories in community pharmacy conditions, i.e. suppositories with Ichtyolum, Balsamum peruvianum, Belladonnae extractum siccum, Vitaminum A liq. etc.