Paweł Martyniuk, Mariola Drozd, Magdalena Woś-Ponczek
Apteka w oczach pacjenta analiza preferencji pacjentów lubelskich aptek
Pharmacy in patients eyes patients preferences analysys of Lublin pharmacies. Within the last few years there have been many essential and deep changes in Polish pharmaceutical market. They affected many areas of business and social activity. The pharmaceutical market is subject to various legal proceedings starting from rules regulating registration of medicines to normalizations concerning their promotion and advertising as well as possibilities to open new pharmacies. Along with changing tendencies in medicine market and government policy there are also changes in expectations and preferences of patients. It influences continous development of pharmaceutical institutions not only in the scope of space conditions, but also marketing activities. The monitoring of the pharmaceutical market easily allows to notice that the basic factor deciding about the success or failure of a pharmacy is a patient. Due to this fact pharmacies should get to know patient needs and take them into consideration to be able to meet patient expectation.