Sylwia Tulik

Forgotten factory of pharmacy porcelain in Boguchwała near Rzeszów

Twentieth century ceramic pharmacy utensils (dishes), which we can found in the collections of Polish pharmacy museums, often cause problems with the identification of materials from which they were made. The main mistake is to classify them as porcelite products, and there are several methods that can help in their proper (correct, right) description. Most of the dishes (vessels) were made of porcelain, a material that as a result of observation, research and in practice turned out to be the best and safest to store pharmacy raw materials. An example of porcelain production in Poland is the Porcelain Factory in Boguchwała, owned by Ing. Stanisław Syska, where the pharmacy utensils were produced in 1939–1946. These were mainly pharmacy containers (vessels), mortars with pestles and a large number of jars for storing salves (ointments). The recipients were both wholesalers from large cities (Krakow, Warsaw) as well as individual pharmacists (eg pharmacies „Pod Nadzieją” („Under the Hope”) and „Pod Matką Boską” („Under the Blessed Virgin”) in Rzeszów.
Keywords: pharmacy utensils, porcelain, porcelite, faience; porcelain factory, Boguchwała near Rzeszów.
© Farm Pol, 2019, 75(2): 77–83


Forgotten factory of pharmacy porcelain in Boguchwała near Rzeszów

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