Ewa Jaźwińska-Tarnawska, Zuzanna Ungeheuer, Olga Fedorowicz
Rola pacjenta w procesie koncyliacji lekowej
DOI: 10.32383/farmpol/118632
Koncyliacja lekowa stanowi ważną strategię redukcji powszechnie występujących a zarazem potencjalnie szkodliwych błędów lekowych. Polega ona na uzyskaniu pełnej listy leków przyjmowanych przez pacjenta, która powinna być dostarczana personelowi medycznemu na wszystkich etapach przekazywania opieki nad chorym. Celem pracy było wykazanie roli farmaceuty w procesie koncyliacji lekowej oraz potrzeby jej prowadzenia.
Role of the patient in the process of the medication reconciliation
Medication reconciliation is not-so-known concept in Poland. The aim of the process is to collect the most accurate information on the drugs used by the patient, which is particularly vital when admitting the patient to the hospital. Interviews collected by hospital staff are often cursory and incomplete, leading to the drug errors and side effects. Medication reconciliation is designed to prevent them. The study was carried out in one of the Lower Silesian hospitals. The aim of the study was to confirm the need for drug conciliation in Polish hospitals and to demonstrate its role in improving the safety and quality of pharmacotherapy. The research also focused on the analysis of the role of the patient in the course of the process. During the study, there were many discrepancies between reconciliation and medical interviews. This testifies to the need to introduce medication reconciliation in Polish hospitals.
Keywords: medication reconcilation, medication disrepancy, patients safety
© Farm Pol, 2018, 74(11): 627-635