Michal Abendrot, Damian Świeczkowski, Jerzy Krysiński, Piotr Merks
Problemy współczesnej farmacji w Niemczech na przykładzie apteki szpitalnej
Problems of contemporary pharmacy in Germany on the example of hospital pharmacy
Continuing scientific progress, which is observed nowadays, forces the constant process of adaptation to occurred changes. The same happens in the pharmacy profession. On the one hand, new diseases are being discovered, on the other hand new treatment ways’ are being introduced. This all create the situation in which the reliable leading of complex pharmacotherapy process seems to be quite difficult. Therefore, the physicians’ responsibility should be focused on diseases’ diagnosing and pointing to essentially medicaments, which complementation would constitute the role of clinical pharmacist relying on drugs’ matching process connected with the control and optimization of pharmacotherapy. The reference to the mentioned above content is the intention of this article. The aim is to outline how does the situation in Germany look like, where clinical pharmacists are inseparable part of personalized healthcare process. This article is based on experience gained during the six-month internship at the Hospital Pharmacy of University Clinic Hamburg-Eppendorf, during which I carried out also a project in the field of clinical pharmacy.
Keywords: clinical pharmacy, Germany, pharmacy, UKE, PI, ABP
© Farm Pol, 2016, 72(1): 3–7