Sandra Majcher, Katarzyna Pawlak, Rafał Rudzik, Michał Czerewaty, Andrzej Pawlik
Otyłość u dzieci: odpowiedź immunologiczna i aspekty żywieniowe
Childhood obesity: immune response and nutritional approaches
Childhood obesity may be associated with low-grade inflammatory process resulting from the release from various cells proinflammatory substances such as cytokines, adipokines or reactive oxygen species. It seems that imbalance between regulatory T cells which works anti-inflamatory and Thelper-17 cells which support inflammation is responsible for maintenance of inflammatory processes. In addition, changes in the intestinal microflora occurring during childhood can also induce inflammatory reactions. The use of caloric restriction is an important factor in the fight against obesity, a diet rich in natural products with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties may be the right strategy in preventing and reducing the negative consequences of obesity.
Keywords: childhood, obesity, immune response, nutrition
© Farm Pol, 2015, 71(10): 656-661