Anna Krupa, Renata Jachowicz

Tabletki ulegające rozpadowi w jamie ustnej. Kierunki badań, technologie. Część II

Orally disintegrating tablets - development directions, technologies. Part II
Nowadays, the growing attention is paid to the compression process as a basic method of orodispersible tablets (ODT) manufacturing. Several advantages of direct compression process such as: ease of manufacturing, low cost and adequate mechanical resistance of tablets obtained, make it preferred method of ODT preparation. The efforts are made not only to optimize the process parameters but also to find the the most useful excipients. To facilitate the disintegration of tablets the use of polyols, superdisintegrants, aminoacids, or inorganic salts have already been proposed. The article gives a review of the most recent findings in this field.
Keywords: orodispersible tablets, compression, excipients, superdisintegrants.

Tabletki ulegające rozpadowi w jamie ustnej. Kierunki badań, technologie. Część II

295.25 kB | 21 decemeber 2017