Renata Jachowicz, Anna Krupa

Tabletki ulegające rozpadowi w jamie ustnej. Kierunki badań, technologie. Część I

Orally disintegrating tablets - development directions, technologies. Part I
Orally disintegrating tablets are designed to dissintegrate or dissolve rapidly on contact with saliva in oral cavity. The usefulness of this kind of dosage form for various group of patients (geriatric, pediatric, traveling) resulted in elaboration of several ODTs technologies more or less complicated. This review describes the latest progress in the development of ODTs.
Keywords: orally disintegrating tablets, liofilization, molding, compaction.

Tabletki ulegające rozpadowi w jamie ustnej. Kierunki badań, technologie. Część I

201.47 kB | 21 decemeber 2017