Jacek Sapa

Wybrane choroby i zaburzenia polekowe - możliwości profilaktyki i leczenia. Część I

Selected drug-induced diseases and disorders - possibility of prevention and therapy. Part I. Drug-induced diseases are an essential problem in the present medicine. In hospitals, consulting rooms or pharmacies comes together increasingly of patients with symptoms of drug-induced diseases. A reason of this occurrence is certainly the dynamic increase of the number of new medicines, as well easy access to drugs for the patient (a lot accessible over-the-counter drugs). The essential part in the prevention to drug-induced diseases plays the education of the patient by the doctor and the pharmacist. In this article was described examples of drug-induced diseases, their pathogenesis, main symptoms and the treatment and the prevention.


Drug-induced parkinsonism, extrapiramidal symptoms after drugs, drug-induced depression, rebound headache, rhinitis medicamentosa, aspirin-induced asthma.

Wybrane choroby i zaburzenia polekowe - możliwości profilaktyki i leczenia. Część I

502.01 kB | 21 decemeber 2017