Zygmunt Muszyński, Magdalena Ratajczak

Konserwacja przeciwdrobnoustrojowa leków

The drug contamination with microorganisms may be both a source and medium of patient infection. Chemical preservation of drugs aims at either keeping them sterile or maintaining the specified microbiological purity by protecting them against secondary contamination and the development of microorganisms during storage and usage of the drug e.g. from the multiple usage packages such as eye drops. The research included test microorganisms, the preparation of tested suspension, chemical characteristics, methods of research in preservation test and acceptance criteria of antimicroorganism activity evaluation during the 28 days of conducting the preservation test for the parenteral and eye pharmaceuticals, topical and oral preparations.
Keywords: preservation, chemicals, effectiveness, acceptance criteria

Konserwacja przeciwdrobnoustrojowa leków

132.62 kB | 21 grudnia 2017