Manuscript submission

Editorial System is an online submission and review system. Authors must submit their manuscripts and track their progress through the system. In order to access the Editorial System, please submit your manuscript at



Submission of manuscripts

All manuscripts should be submitted exclusively online at

Submissions of hardcopy manuscripts or by e-mail will not be accepted.

In addition to the Guidelines, authors are urged to follow these formats when preparing a manuscript. Commonly used file formats (DOC, DOCX, RTF) should be used for preparation of the manuscripts. PDF files are not accepted. The manuscript has to be accompanied by a cover letter, in which the authors briefly explain the significance of their findings and the interest to the readership of Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica – Drug Research. The manuscript (main text, including tables) should be submitted as one file. All figures should be submitted separately. Only manuscripts of highest scientific quality/novelty, concisely written and complying with these Instructions for Authors can be considered for publication. All contributions are peer-reviewed by independent referees. Submission of a manuscript to Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica – Drug Research implies that it represents review/original research not previously published and that it is not being considered for publication elsewhere. The corresponding author must declare that the manuscript is submitted on behalf of all authors. Copyright belongs to the publisher upon acceptance of the manuscript.

Plagiarism detection

All manuscripts will be checked using the industry standard iThenticate software (CrossCheck). You will receive an annotated report, including advice on parts of the manuscript that should be changed. If there are issues that need to be addressed, authors will be able to revise and resubmit your manuscript before the peer-review process.

Scope of the Journal

Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica – Drug Research

Journal of Polish Pharmaceutical Society is published in 6 issues a year. The following areas of pharmaceutical sciences are covered: Analysis, Biopharmacy, Drug Biochemistry, Drug Synthesis, Food and Nutrition, Natural Drugs, Pharmaceutical Technology, Pharmacology, and General. Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica – Drug Research publishes Reviews, Original Research Article as well as Short Communications are also accepted.

Preparation of the manuscript

Articles should be written in English, double-spaced. Full name (first, middle initial, last) and address of authors should follow the title written in CAPITAL LETTERS. The abstract should be followed by keywords. We suggest the following structure of paper: l) Introduction, 2) Experimental, 3) Results, 4) Discussion and Conclusion, 5) References. Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica does not accept files as a supplementary material.

Template manuscript - do pobrania

Instructions for citation of references in the journal:

In the text, sequential numbers of citations should be in order of appearance (not alphabetically) in brackets […] not in parentheses (...).

Citing Authors
  • in the case of up to four authors, give the last names and initials of the first name of all authors;
  • if there are five or more authors, give the last names and name initials of the first three authors and add "et al.".
When listing the authors of an article in the bibliography, write: last name, space, initial of first name or names (without periods), comma, space, etc.

When stating the page range, use a hyphen, which is shorter in the notation (without spaces between the page numbers and the dash). The name of the journal, written in italics, is followed by the year of publication, semicolon, space, volume, notebook (in brackets), colon, space, and full page range, e.g., 155-159 (not: 155-9), doi.


Article in a printed journal
Xi Y, Xu P. Global colorectal cancer burden in 2020 and projections to 2040. Transl Oncol. 2021; 14(10): 101174. doi:10.1016/j.tranon.2021.101174.

Article in an on-line journal

  1. Smeeth L, Iliffe S. Community screening for visual impairment in the elderly. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2002; (2):CD001054. doi: 10.1002/14651858.
  2. Duchin JS. Can preparedness for biological terrorism save us from pertussis? Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2004; 158(2): 106-107. Dostępny w internecie:­ Dostęp 9.07.2014.


Simon LS, Lipman, AG, Jacox AK, et al. Pain in Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Juvenile Chronic Arthritis. 2nd ed, IL: American Pain Society,  Glenview 2002.

Chapter in a book

Witczak I, Rypicz Ł. Błędy w procesie farmakoterapii i ich znaczenie dla systemu opieki zdrowotnej [w:] I.Witczak I, Rypicz Ł. editor. Bezpieczeństwo pacjenta w procesie farmakoterapii. Uniwersytet Medyczny im. Piastów Śląskich we Wrocławiu, Wrocław 2021, s. 33–46.



1. Xi Y, Xu P. Global colorectal cancer burden in 2020 and projections to 2040. Transl Oncol. 2021; 14(10): 101174. doi:10.1016/j.tranon.2021.101174.

2. Morgan E, Arnold M, Gini A, et al. Global burden of colorectal cancer in 2020 and 2040: Incidence and mortality estimates from GLOBOCAN. Gut 2023; 72(2): 338-344. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327736.

3. Adebayo AS, Agbaje K, Adesina SK, Olajubutu O. Colorectal cancer: Disease process, current treatment options, and future Perspectives. Phamaceutics 2023; 15(11): 2620. doi:10.3390/pharmaceutics15112620.

4. Baxter-Holland M, Dass CR. Doxorubicin, mesenchymal stem cell toxicity and antitumour activity: Implications for clinical use. J Pharm Pharmacol. 2018; 70(3): 320-327. doi:10.1111/jphp.12869.

5. Kciuk M, Gielecińska A, Mujwar S. Doxorubicin-an agent with multiple mechanisms of anticancer activity. Cells 2023; 12(4): 659. doi 10.3390/cells12040659.

6. Sun T, Zhang L, Feng J, et al. Characterization of cellular enescence in doxorubicin-induced aging mice. Exp Gerontol. 2022; 163: 111800. doi:10.1016/j.exger.2022.111800.

7. Schmitt CA, Wang B, Demaria M. Senescence and cancer - role and therapeutic opportunities. Nat Rev Clin Oncol. 2022; 19(10): 619-636. doi:10.1038/s41571-022-00668-4.


Chemical nomenclature should follow the rules established by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, the International Union of Biochemistry and Chemical Abstracts Service. Chemical names of drugs are preferred. If generic name is employed, its chemical name or structural formula should be given at point of first citation. Articles should be written in the Past Tense and Impersonal style. I, we, me, us etc. are to be avoided, except in the Acknowledgment section. Editor reserves the right to make any necessary corrections to a paper prior to publication.

Tables, illustrations

Each table, figure or scheme should be on a separate page together with the relevant legend and any explanatory notes. Tables ideally should not have more than 70, and certainly not more than 140, characters to the line (counting spaces between columns 4 characters) unless absolutely unavoidable. Good quality line drawings should be submitted with all lettering etc., included. Good black and white photographs are also acceptable. Captions for illustrations should be collected together and presented on a separate sheet. All tables and illustrations should be specially referred to in the text.

If the author uses any drawings, photographs, charts, tables, etc. in the manuscript that are not his work and are protected by copyright, he is obliged to give the Publisher written permission of the copyright owners to use the materials used. The author is obliged to confirm the source of all figures, photographs, charts, etc.

Short Communications

The same general rules apply like for regular articles, except that an abstract is not required, and the number of figures and/or tables should not be more than two in total. The Editors reserve the right to publish (upon agreement of Author(s) as a Short Communication a paper originally submitted as a full-length research paper).

General Information on Article Processing Charges (APC)


Open Access Publication Fee since September 1, 2023

All articles published in Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica – Drug Research (ISSN ) are published in full open access. In order to provide free access to readers, and to cover the costs of peer review, copyediting, typesetting, long-term archiving, and journal management, an article processing charge (APC) of 3900 PLN (Polish Zloty) + 8% VAT or 950 EUR (EUROS) applies to papers accepted after peer review.


Since September 1, 2023 there is a publication fee for papers received and accepted for publication in the Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica - Drug Research. The fee is 3900 PLN + 8% VAT for Polish authors and 950 € for foreign authors. Publication fees are payable upon article acceptance. Fees are subject to change and charged at the applicable rates effective on your submission date.

Articles accepted in principle will not be published without payment fee.

We would like to inform that your paper will be published after receiving publishing fee and the publishing agreement. In order to receive the invoice, please complete the form including data for invoicing, which is available in the payment bookmark in the Editorial System. Failure to complete this form means that you choose not to obtain the invoice.

The required documents to be filled in by the authors publishing in "Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica" can be found in the "Editorial System" submission system (author's agreement with the editors, statements for authors, form specifying the authors' participation in the publication).