Muhammad Jawad Nasim, Muhammad Hassham Hassan Bin Asad, Durr-E-Sabih, Raja Muhammad Ikram, Muhammad Sikandar Hussain, Muhammad Tajammal Khan, Ghafoor Ahmad, Sabiha Karim, Shujaat Ali Khan, Ghulam Murtaza
Gist of medicinal plants of Pakistan having ethnobotanical evidences to crush renal calculi (kidney stones)
Abstract: Human civilization is facing the problem of kidney stones since ancient ages. Although mortality rate is not so high, yet it affects the victimís quality of life. The patient suffers from intense pain and many other symptoms modifying his life style and affecting his socioeconomic status. Many drugs and invasive methods have also been developed for the treatment, but these are highly costly and unaffordable for poor people and the rate of reoccurrence is also high. The use of medicinal plants is both affordable and effective in this respect.
In this article, 35 medicinal plants of Pakistan origin and their crucial information have been enumerated in
alphabetical order of plantís scientific name, family, place (distribution), part used, local name, habit, major
constituents and references. It can also be seen that all parts are used for the treatment of kidney stones. Leaves represent 28% contribution, whole plants and seeds 12%, fruits and roots 11% contribution in this respect.
Flowers contribute 8% in the treatment of kidney stone while branches, bark, bushes, buds, milk and shoots
contribute only 3% in the removal of kidney stones. Habits of plants were also taken under consideration. It was
noticed that herbs are the most useful life form in this regard which contributed 63% for the removal of kidney stone. Shrubs contributed 20%, trees 11% while bushes and weeds contributed 3% for the removal of kidney stones.
Keywords: renal calculi, Pakistan, medicinal plants, crush