Bartosz Urbaniak, Zenon J. Kokot

Kompleksy fluorochinolonów z jonami metali. Analiza czynników wpływających na ich trwałość

Complexes of fluoroquinolones with polyvalent metal ions. Analysis of factors that influence their stability
In this paper the most actual data were presented, due to the interaction of fluoroquinolones and polyvalent metal ions. The 42 different FQ-Me systems were investigated utilizing potentiometric titration method; and 32 different ligand-metal systems were investigated using UV spectrophotometric titration method. The 22 of them were for the first time described during the presented studies. The mathematical calculations used for estimation of stability constants and selections of the species, were performed using HYPERQUAD program. The authors employed a multifactorial ANOVA analysis - fixed effect model to describe the influence of particular variables affecting the stability of the analyzed complex species. Further examinations of the structure of fluoroquinolone - metal ions complexes using infra-red and 1H, 19F 13C NMR spectroscopy were performed.
Keywords: potentiometric titration, UV spectrophotometric titration, fluoroquinolones metal ion in complexes, stability constants, UV, IR, 1H, 13C, 19F NMR spectroscopy, multifactorial ANOVA analysis.

Kompleksy fluorochinolonów z jonami metali. Analiza czynników wpływających na ich trwałość

546.46 kB | 21 grudnia 2017