Edyta Szałek, Hanna Tomczak, Edmund Grześkowiak, Agnieszka Kamińska, Magdalena Cerbin

Bezpieczeństwo stosowania antybiotyków makrolidowych w ciąży

The safety of macrolide antibiotics in pregnancy. The choice of an antibiotic for a pregnant woman is difficult due to the risk of its harmful effect on the foetus. Therefore, it should be characterised not only by efficacy but also safety of application in the prenatal period. Macrolide antibiotics are considered to be one of the safer groups of antibacterial drugs. They do not exhibit the teratogenic effect in humans and are frequently a therapeutic alternative for patients allergic to penicillins. Of macrolides there are particular contraindications for the use of clarithromycin (Category C) in pregnancy. Azithromycin (Category B), spiramycin (Category C) and roxithromycin (Category B) have better pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties (less frequent dosage, better penetration into tissues). Spiramycin penetrates through the placental barrier quite well, which is used in the treatment of toxoplasmosis in pregnant women.
Keywords: macrolides, pregnancy, safety of therapy.

Bezpieczeństwo stosowania antybiotyków makrolidowych w ciąży

96.98 kB | 21 grudnia 2017