Important information for authors publishing in "Polish Pharmacy"

"Farmacja Polska" is an open-access magazine under the terms of the Creative Commons license (CC BY-NC 4.0) (no fee is charged for the use of the content on the magazine's website), hence the need to pay a fee for publishing the article. The reimbursement of the costs of preparing and publishing the manuscript has been transferred by the publisher to the authors. The fee is charged after acceptance of the manuscript for print (after the whole editorial process – acceptance for publication, reviews, any amendments resulting from the review and final acceptance for print). "Farmacja Polska" no have article submission charges.

Please be advised that a fee of 800 PLN + 8% VAT is charged for articles submitted to the “Farmacja Polska” magazine, after accepting the article for printing, After accepting the article for printing, the amount should be paid to the account of the Polish Pharmaceutical Society:

PEKAO Bank Pekao SA 58 1240 1138 1111 0000 0209 5949

Transfer title: For publication in "Polish Pharmacy" – (provide the title of work)



Authors who submit their manuscripts to the journal Polish Pharmacy are required to use a unique ORCID number (Open Researcher and Contributor ID). It is a digital tool enabling identification of the author and his research work in scientific communication.

The author can register an ORCID number free of charge at:  https://orcid.org/


The required documents to be filled in by the authors publishing in "Farmacja Polska" can be found in the "Editorial System" submission system (author's agreement with the editors, statements for authors, form specifying the authors' participation in the publication).