Agnieszka Jachowicz

Charakter prawny umowy na wydawanie refundowanego leku, środka spożywczego specjalnego przeznaczenia żywieniowego oraz wyrobu medycznego na receptę

Legal character of the dispensing a reimbursed medicine, foodstuff for particular nutritional uses or medical device on prescription contract

The possibility to dispense a reimbursed medicine, foodstuff for particular nutritional uses or medical device on prescription is one the most important pharmacy’s duty. To provide this possibility, entities running pharmacies are obliged to execute a contract, hereinafter referred to as the prescription filling contract. The prescription filling contract is an example of a civil contract. However, the use of many elements and institutions characteristic for public law may raise doubts, if the prescription filling contract is not an example of a new type of an agreement – the administrative contract or public contract.

Keywords: Pharmacies, pharmacists, prescription filling contract, pharmacy, expert testimony

© Farm Pol, 2016, 72(3): 147-152