Anna Piecuch, Magdalena Makarewicz-Wujec, Małgorzata Kozłowska-Wojciechowska

Przymierze terapeutyczne jako pożądany stosunek społeczny w praktyce aptecznej



Słowa kluczowe: etyka, farmaceuci, pacjenci, relacje, opieka farmaceutyczna.


Therapeutic alliance as a desirable social relation in pharmaceutical practice
The thing that distinguishes pharmaceutical care from other interactions occurring in pharmaceutical practice is entering into therapeutic alliance. One of the conditions for therapeutic alliance is establishing a relatively stable link between a pharmacist and a patient. It depends on a pharmacist reliability, competence and concern as to a patient’s need for medicines, whether he/she will manage to create a professional relation with a patient.

Relations between a pharmacist and a patient may be paternalistic in nature, when a pharmacist controls and manages the interaction; based on partnership, when a patient is actively engaged in the interaction; or unconcerned – in this case we cannot call it a relation in the strict sense, since both a pharmacist and a patient do not have any control over a patient’s therapy and are only minimally responsible for the success thereof.

As regards relationship marketing, each contact with a patient makes an opportunity to establish a closer relation with him/her and initiate the process of pharmaceutical care. It seems that until pharmacists do not fully accept a paradigm of patient-oriented care, the quality of their relations with patients will be inadequate. It depends mostly on pharmacists themselves, how they will be perceived – as ordinary sellers, or as reliable advisers.

Keywords: ethics, pharmacists, patients, relationships, pharmaceutical care.

© Farm Pol, 2014, 70(8): 413-418