Piotr Merks, Anna Sawicka, Małgorzata Kozłowska-Wojciechowska

Rola apteki szkoleniowej WUM w edukacji przyszłych pokoleń farmaceutów

The role of virtual training pharmacy in education of future generationsof pharmacists at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Medical University of Warsaw

Pharmaceutical care and clinical pharmacy are themain directions of teaching pharmacy in the European Union and theUnited States. This system is not only known from other internationaluniversities, but also in Western Europe. Thanks to implementing thevirtual pharmacy, it will be possible to train students by conductingsimulation of the situation from a community pharmacy. Students underthe supervision of teachers will be able to practice specific tasks andactivities. They will be able to check and apply the knowledge acquiredduring the theoretical classes therefore gain better education. Academicteachers obtained a new tool for improving their knowledge to transferit in to the future skills of the pharmacists. All pharmacy activities aredocumented in the modern system called Patient Medical Record (PMR),presented at the opening of pharmacy training at the Medical Universityof Warsaw 23rd of May 2013. Pharmacy is equipped with a Polish computersystems, EPOS type: Kamsoft, Amax. One of the most advanced elementsof the pharmacy program is to teach how to document pharmaceuticalcare. Along with built-in pharmaceutical care standards like BritishNational Formulary we created the top-notch educational tool. Thistechnology is used by universities in the UK, Australia and UAE. Investmentwas financed from the funds of the University.

Keywords: Virtual pharmacy, pharmacy education.

c Farm Pol, 2014, 70(2): 84-88