Paweł Stasiak, Wiesław Sawicki, Edmund Grześkowiak

Przyszłość zawodu farmaceuty-aptekarza w Polsce. Z obrad Okrągłego Stołu XXI Naukowego Zjazdu PTFarm. w Gdańsku – 13 września 2010 r.

Future of the pharmacist-druggist profession in Poland. Roundtable debate, XXI meeting of the Polish Pharmaceutical Society in Gdansk, 13th of September 2010

21st meeting of the Polish Pharmaceutical Society took part between 12th and 15th September 2010 in Gdansk. On the second day of the Meeting roundtable debate entitled “The future of of the pharmacist – druggist profession in Poland” attended by invited guests was held. The participants as well as the audience agreed on the basic problems of the polish pharmacy, some of which are: the necessity of the curriculum reform, non-regulated status of the pharmaceutical care and difficulties in its introduction into practise, progressive elimination of pharmacists from pharmacies by technicians as well as financial problems. An idea of the committee working on the reforms in the curriculum was put forward and the necessity of close collaboration between universities and the Polish Pharmaceutical Chamber was pointed out.
Keywords: Polish Pharmaceutical Society Meeting, druggist, curriculum reform, debate.