Paweł Stasiak

Farmacja praktyczna w nowoczesnej bazie szkoleniowej Gdańskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego

Practical pharmacy in modern teaching base of the Medical University of Gdansk
Carrying out pharmaceutical profession requires knowledge concerning guidelines and rules of pharmaceutical care which day by day becomes one of the most important duties of a pharmacist. At the same time it may be an opportunity for pharmacists, too often regarded by medical society as persons dispensing prescribed drugs, to receive position adequate for their knowledge. World trends, European guidelines as well as first experiences of EU countries indicate that setting a pharmacist in a position of a professional participating and co-authorising rational pharmacotherapy positively influences health awareness of the population and improves compliance. Continuously developing economical and social conditions imposed on pharmacists novel duties. Necessity of teaching up to now less exposed subjects as economy, law and psychology to pharmacy students has recently grown. All the more so obvious was the necessity to introduce to the curriculum issues concerning pharmaceutical care which, to be effectively lectured, require an adequate didactic base including well-equipped instructional pharmacy in which students become familiar with rules of communication with patients and practice their knowledge acquired during 5-year education. The pharmacy with computer suite recently inaugurated at the Pharmaceutical Faculty of the Medical University of Gdansk offers a model solution in teaching pharmaceutical care to pharmacy students and pharmacists, ensuring modern and complex conditions for learning these crucial issues.
Keywords: pharmaceutical care, Medical University, instructional pharmacy.

Farmacja praktyczna w nowoczesnej bazie szkoleniowej Gdańskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego

212.40 kB | 21 decemeber 2017