Zbigniew Kamiński, Marek Wesołowski

Mgr Czesław Fink-Finowicki - jeden z organizatorów Wydziału Farmaceutycznego Akademii Medycznej w Gdańsku

Czesław Fink-Finowicki, M.Sc. - one of the organizers of the Pharmacy Faculty of Medical University of Gdańsk. In the paper life and activity of Czesław Fink-Finowicki was presented. He was a pharmacist, community activist, a man of great merit for Pharmacy in Poland. A particular attention was paid to Czesław Fink-Finowicki's merits of organizing the Pharmacy Faculty of Medical University of Gdańsk and the first years of functioning of the Faculty. His activity in Lower Silesia area was also depicted, for which he was awarded the Commemorative Medal of Wrocław Affiliate with Polish Pharmaceutical Society and as one of the first he received highly-valued Medal of Ignacy Łukasiewicz "De Pharmacia bene marentibus".