„Farmacja Polska” publishes original research and reviews in the field of pharmaceutical sciences, with a focus on the history of pharmacy, community pharmacies, drug formulation technology, biopharmacy, pharmacology, pharmacoepidemiology, pharmacoeconomics, and toxicology. It also publishes a number of manuscripts on socio-professional subjects, summaries of symposia and scientific conferences, updates on the activities of the Polish Pharmaceutical Society and other pharmaceutical organizations, as well as brief notes on significant anniversaries.



The editorial office does not accept manuscripts sent to other publishers and published as Author's Original Manuscripts (AOM), the so-called preprints.

The Polish manuscript can also be published in an English version. The journal does not provide translation services. Manuscripts that are not properly prepared will be returned to the authors for correction. If the author fails to introduce corrections, the article will be removed from the system after 30 days.

Large Language Models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT, do not currently meet our authorship criteria. The attribution of authorship involves taking responsibility for the submitted work, which cannot be effectively done in the case of LLMs. The use of LLMs should be adequately documented in the Methods section (or, if the Methods section is not available, in an appropriate alternative section) of the manuscript.


The title page should include:
All other data are provided by the authors in the editorial system (do not include them in the manuscript file).


The abstract should be both in Polish and English, contain at least 2000 characters (the system will not accept papers if the abstract does not meet this condition), and consist of five separate parts introduced in the following order with separate subheadings:
The abstract should not contain abbreviations.


The abstract should be followed by 3–5 keywords out of those recommended by Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) ( both in Polish and in English.



Original work
The total number of characters (with spaces) should not exceed 30,000 (excluding the title page, abstracts, tables, figures and references).
Tables, charts/figures (maximum 6 altogether) should be placed at the end of the manuscript after the references. They should have captions both in Polish and English. Their place should be marked in the main text.
All original articles must include the following section headings:
Note that this is not the same as (abbreviated) conclusions;
Please include the name of the Bioethics/Ethics Committee and the reference number, if available. For studies involving animals or their biological material, the authors should also provide detailed information on the ethical treatment of animals. If the study received a waiver or did not require Committee approval, this should also be worded in the manuscript.
"The study was conducted in accordance with the Good Clinical Practices principles or the Declaration of Helsinki. Approval was granted by the Bioethics/Ethics Committee of (specify institution) (date.../number...)"
"This study is observational. The XYZ Research Ethics Committee has confirmed that no ethical approval is required”. ” ….has waived the necessity of obtaining approval”
“Bioethics/ Ethic Committee approval was not required”.


Brief communications
Short communications or reports presenting novel, preliminary, and significant research results.
The total number of characters (with spaces) should not exceed 10,000  (excluding the title page, abstracts and references).
Tables, charts/figures (a maximum of 6 altogether) should be placed at the end of the manuscript after the references. They should have captions both in Polish and English. Their place should be marked in the main text.
Brief communications must include the following section headings:
Note that this is not the same as (abbreviated) conclusions;
Please include the name of the Bioethics/Ethics Committee and the reference number, if available. For studies involving animals or their biological material, the authors should also provide detailed information on the ethical treatment of animals. If the study received a waiver or did not require Committee approval, this should also be worded in the manuscript.
"The study was conducted in accordance with the Good Clinical Practices principles or the Declaration of Helsinki. Approval was granted by the Bioethics/Ethics Committee of (specify institution) (date.../number...)"
"This study is observational. The XYZ Research Ethics Committee has confirmed that no ethical approval is required”. ” ….has waived the necessity of obtaining approval”
“Bioethics/ Ethic Committee approval was not required”.


Review articles
Although systematic reviews and meta-analyses are preferred, other forms of reviews may be considered.
Review articles – articles containing high-quality systematic reviews and meta-analyses on all topics regarding the pharmaceutical sciences.
Literature searches should be conducted in at least two databases, such as MEDLINE and EMBASE. If controlled trials are sought, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) should also be considered. Any risk of bias in the included studies should be systematically assessed, reported, and discussed.
The total number of characters (with spaces) should not exceed 40,000 (excluding the title page, abstracts, tables, figures, and references).
Tables, charts/figures (a maximum of 6 altogether) should be placed at the end of the manuscript after the references. They should have captions both in Polish and English. Their place should be marked in the main text
The PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) checklist should be attached at the end of the manuscript. Alternatively, the MOOSE (Meta-analyses Of Observational Studies in Epidemiology Checklist) checklist should be used for meta-analyses of observational studies. A complete list and index of reporting guidelines can be found at It can be downloaded as a Word document and then included at the end of the manuscript.
A review article should include the following section headings:
Abstract: structured, in Polish and English;
Note that this is not the same as (abbreviated) conclusions;


Commentaries are short articles conveying thoughts, reflections, and opinions or addressing issues found in previously published articles in Farmacja Polska. Commentaries are not for publishing original research or data. Reviewing comments is at the discretion of the editors. The text should contain no more than 10,000 characters with spaces, excluding abstracts and references.
Tables, charts/figures (a maximum of 2 altogether) should be placed at the end of the manuscript after the references. They should have captions in Polish and in English. Their place should be marked in the main text.
The commentary should include the following section headings:
Case report
A case report is a report on symptoms, diagnostic test results, diagnosis, treatment, and patient response. It should present complications, problems, or unusual clinical situations that occurred. The text should contain no more than 10,000 characters with spaces, excluding abstracts, references.
Tables, charts/figures (a maximum of 4 altogether) should be placed at the end of the manuscript after the references. They should have captions both in Polish and English. Their place should be marked in the main text.
The case report should include the following section headings:
Abstract: unstructured, in Polish and English;
Keywords: in Polish and English;
Case description text: unstructured;
Acknowledgments: if applicable;
Sources of funding: if applicable;
Conflict of interest statement;
References: up to 20.
In exceptional situations, the editorial board may publish editorials. Editorials are articles by invitation of the editor-in-chief and published alongside already accepted articles.



Manuscripts should be submitted in Word:

Use a common font (e.g., Times New Roman or Calibri).

Use bold or italics only in subtitles, Latin names, and chemical compound names.

Use the automatic page numbering function to number pages.

Do not use the field function.

For indentation, use tabs or other commands, not spaces.

First, second, and third row headings should be clearly distinguishable; however, they should not be numbered. Do not use more than third row headers.

Use table functions, not spreadsheets, to create tables.

For equations, use an equation editor or the MathType tool.

References to literature, figures, and tables should be placed in the order of their appearance in the text.

Only international drug names should be used in the text.

Laboratory values should be expressed using the International System of Units (SI). Always use international characters and symbols (SI units).

Numbers should be written in Arabic numerals. Do not start a sentence with a digit; numbers at the beginning of a sentence should always be spelled out.

Headings – please use no more than three levels of displayed headings.

Abbreviations – abbreviations should be defined at their first mention, and then used consistently. It is acceptable to include a glossary of abbreviations at the beginning of the manuscript, after keywords.

Footnotes – footnotes provide additional information that could disrupt the flow of the main text. They can include references; however, they should not be limited to them, and they should never include their bibliographic details. They should also not include any figures or tables.

Footnotes to the text are numbered consecutively; those in tables should be indicated by superscript lowercase letters (or asterisks for significance values and other statistics). Footnotes to the title and authors of the article should not be marked with cross-reference symbols.

Use footnotes instead of endnotes.


It is the authors' responsibility to ensure the accuracy of all references according to the AMA citation style (Vancouver style).
References should be limited to recent items (published within the last ten years) and must be directly related to the presented topic. References in the text should be identified by Arabic numerals in square brackets and numbered in the order in which they were first mentioned in the manuscript. They should be written as follows: [1] or [1, 2] or [1-4].
Journal name abbreviations should be cited using the Index Medicus format. If the journal is not listed in Index Medicus, provide its full name (without a period). If the cited paper is available online, the DOI number should be included; if not, the URL and date of access should be provided.
The list of references should only include works that have been published or accepted for publication and are cited in the text. If a paper is not yet published, it should only be mentioned in the text (not the reference list), e.g., J. Kowalski unpublished.
The list of references should be included at the end of the manuscript and numbered using Arabic numerals followed by a dot, e.g., 1.
Maximum number of literature items (if the article is not about history, only references from the previous ten years are acceptable):
Citing Authors
When listing the authors of an article in the bibliography, write: last name, space, initial of first name or names (without periods), comma, space, etc.

When stating the page range, use a semi-pause, which is longer in the notation (without spaces between the page numbers and the semi-pause). The name of the journal, written in italics, is followed by the year of publication, semicolon, space, volume, notebook (in parentheses), colon, space, and full page range, e.g., 155–159 (not: 155–9).


Article in a printed journal
Angus DC, Linde-Zwirble WT, Lidicker J, et al. Epidemiology of severe ­sepsis in the United States: Analysis of incidence, outcome, and associated costs of care. Crit Care Med. 2001; 29(7): 1303–1310.


Article in an on-line journal
  1. Smeeth L, Iliffe S. Community screening for visual impairment in the elderly. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2002; (2):CD001054. doi: 10.1002/14651858.
  2. Duchin JS. Can preparedness for biological terrorism save us from pertussis? Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2004; 158(2): 106–107. Dostępny w internecie:­ Dostęp 9.07.2014.


Simon LS, Lipman, AG, Jacox AK, et al. Pain in Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Juvenile Chronic Arthritis. 2nd ed, IL: American Pain Society,  Glenview 2002.


Chapter in a book
Witczak I, Rypicz Ł. Błędy w procesie farmakoterapii i ich znaczenie dla systemu opieki zdrowotnej [w:] I.Witczak I, Rypicz Ł. editor. Bezpieczeństwo pacjenta w procesie farmakoterapii. Uniwersytet Medyczny im. Piastów Śląskich we Wrocławiu, Wrocław 2021, s. 33–46.


Web page
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. Annual Epidemiological Report 2016 – Health­care-associated infections acquired in intensive care units. (online) 2016. Dostępny w internecie: Dostęp 30.09.2017.



Acknowledgments may be made to those who significantly contributed to the paper's preparation but whose work was insufficient for them to qualify as authors. They should be placed in a separate section following the conclusion. They should be brief and should not include acknowledgements to anonymous reviewers and editors, as well as the employers of those who helped prepare the paper.



A statement of funding that includes the grant number and the full name of the research funder must be included. Lack of funding should also be noted, e.g., “The manuscript did not receive funding”.


Disclose any conflict of interest or lack thereof.
It is necessary for all authors to provide details regarding the funding sources for their manuscript, along with contributions from associations, research institutions and other entities ("financial disclosure"). All authors are required to provide a conflict of interest statement. Under the "Conflict of Interest" section, authors are required to declare any financial or personal ties to other people or organizations that might have an undue influence on their work.
Examples of financial conflicts include:
If there are no conflicts of interest, authors should also clearly state that.





Diagrams, figures, photographs, chemical structural formulas, etc. should be submitted in separate files. All labels and symbols must be legible, and their location in the text must be clearly indicated e.g., Figure 1.
If the manuscript includes any photographs, graphs, tables, drawings, or other intellectual property that was not the author's creation and is copyright protected, the author must first obtain the owners' written consent before using the materials and present it to the publisher. The author must give due credit to the original creator of all figures, pictures, charts, etc. In the event that copyright is violated, the author assumes full responsibility for copyright infringement.


Tables should be in separate files. References to tables should be placed according to the order in which they appear in the manuscript. Each table should be accompanied by an explanatory title (without abbreviations, above the table). The title should separate the table from the text. Table titles should be both in Polish and English.
Footnotes are better than long explanations in the title or body of the table. Footnotes should be marked with lowercase superscript letters or asterisks (for significance values and other statistics) and placed below the table.
Acceptable format


Charts/diagrams should be placed in separate files.
References should be placed according to the order of their appearance in the manuscript.
Chart/Diagram descriptions should be placed in the main text in both Polish and English.
Multipart diagrams/diagrams should be labeled with lowercase letters (a, b, etc.).
An explanatory title (without abbreviations) should be provided below each chart/diagram. The title should make it possible to separate it from the main text.
Small text and large text size differences in charts/diagrams should be avoided. Charts/ diagrams should be sized to approximately match the dimensions of the journal columns.
Footnotes are preferable to long explanatory information located in the title or body of the graph/diagram. Footnotes should be marked in lowercase superscript and placed under the title of the graph/diagram.
Acceptable format:



Figures should be placed in separate files. References to figures should be made according to the order in which they appear in the manuscript.

Figure descriptions should be placed in the main text in both Polish and English.

Multipart figures should be labeled with lowercase letters (a, b, etc.).

An explanatory title (without abbreviations) should be provided below each figure. The title should make it possible to separate the figure from the text.

It is necessary to add scale bars where applicable

Small text and large text size differences in figures should be avoided. Figures should be sized to approximately match the dimensions of the journal columns.

Footnotes are preferable to long explanatory information in the title or body of the figure. Footnotes should be identified in lowercase, superscript letters and placed below the figure.


Acceptable format


The corresponding author should list all the authors of the manuscript, establish their order in the publication, and identify each author's contribution. Each author's contribution (not percentage-wise) must be documented to the extent that he or she can take responsibility for the relevant parts of the paper, content, and conflict of interest.
Authorship should be based on meeting three criteria:
All authors who contributed significantly to the creation of the manuscript should be listed as co-authors, and their authorship should be disclosed according to their participation. The authors' initials must be listed in accordance with their level of involvement in the work's preparation. In the event that a point is not applicable, enter NA. Taking part in the work's preparation entails:
1) Development of the study’s concept and methodology;
2) Query – literature review and analysis;
3) Submission of an application to the relevant Bioethics/ Ethics Committee;
4) Research material collection;
5) Research material analysis;
6) Preparation of the first draft of the manuscript;
7) Critical analysis of the draft version of the manuscript;
8) Statistical analysis of the research material;
9) Interpretation of the performed statistical analysis;
10) Acquisition of financial support for research and development;
11) Technical preparation of the manuscript in accordance with the journal’s requirements;
12) Supervision over research and preparation of the manuscript.


Authors submitting their manuscript are required to use their unique ORCID number, a digital tool to identify authors and their research in scientific communication.