Anna Trojanowska

XIV Przegląd Prac Magisterskich z Zakresu Historii Farmacji

XIV Review of Master's Theses in the Field of Pharmacy History

For several years, the Historical Section of the Polish Pharmaceutical Society and Institute for the History of Science Polish Academy of Sciences have organized reviews of master's theses on the field of pharmacy history. This text is a report from this year's Review, at which two master's theses were presented. Karolina Duda from the Medical University of Wroclaw discussed the problem of infant mortality in the 19th century. Jarosław Wilczak from the Medical University of Warsaw presented a paper on the beginnings of insulin production in Poland.

Keywords: history of pharmacy, review of master's theses.

© Farm Pol, 2020, 76(1): 25–26

XIV Przegląd Prac Magisterskich z Zakresu Historii Farmacji

117.37 kB | 20 marca 2020