Magdalena Kozłowska, Patrycja Garbacz, Marek Wesołowski
Wpływ ko-krystalizacji na biodostępność substancji leczniczych
DOI: 10.32383/farmpol/116127
Influence of co-crystallization on bioavailability of drug substances ·
The majority of drug substances are poorly water-soluble compounds. Thus, the development of new approaches improving water solubility of drug substances is the most challenging issue to overcome. Co-crystallization is one of the way that is used in the pharmaceutical technology to enhance the solubility of water-insoluble compounds. For this reason, the paper deals with a short characteristic of co-crystals and their role as a new method employed for improving the solubility and permeability of active pharmaceutical ingredients. The paper focused especially on the recent advances that have been made for enhancing bioavailability of new solid forms of drug substance.
Keywords: co-crystallization, water solubility, bioavailability, permeability, drug substances.
© Farm Pol, 2019, 75 (7): 396–402