Marcin Bochniarz, Lucyna Bułaś

Miejsce farmacji szpitalnej w zapewnieniu jakości terapii i bezpieczeństwa pacjenta

Miejsce farmacji szpitalnej w zapewnieniu jakości terapii i bezpieczeństwa pacjenta

The role of hospital pharmacy in medical care quality assurance and patient safety

The role of the pharmacist in the health system in Poland has been defined by the Pharmaceutical Law and the Pharmacy Chambers Act. Pharmaceutical services, currently provided by the pharmacies, are the basis of safe pharmacotherapy. However, they are limited to the supply of medicinal products, and the preparation of personalized medicines for patients. It should be highlighted that the holistic patient care requires implementation of pharmaceutical services, which are focused directly on the individual patients. In hospital pharmacies, this can be accomplished via pharmaceutical care, and clinical pharmacy performance. The experience from many other countries has confirmed the legitimacy of integrating pharmacists into the patient care process. The resulting benefits involve the improvement of both health care and economic outcome measures. The basic condition, necessary for the development of patient-oriented pharmaceutical services in Poland, should be an increasing employment of hospital pharmacists, who have proper professional background, access to modern, interdisciplinary education, and opportunities for professional development. Faced with the exponential development of medical science, as well as growing expectations, related to the quality and safety of medical therapies, it is essential to further involve pharmacists in the patient care process.

Keywords: Health care quality assurance, Patient safety, Hospital Pharmaceutical Services, Pharmaceutical Care

© Farm Pol, 2017, 73(9): 553-559