Bożena Muszyńska, Barbara Jękot, Magdalena Topolska-Pasek, Aleksandra Rzewińska

Właściwości prozdrowotne węglowodanów występujących w algach

Health benefits of carbohydrates found in algae · Algae (lat. Algae gr. Physis) are autotrophic aquatic organisms with various morphological structure. The first mention about their appearance on the Earth dates back 3.5 billion years ago. These are single‑celled organisms, multicellular and tissue organisms. There are commonly industrially used brown,red and green algae. In their composition of cells plasma they contain important primary and secondary metabolites, minerals and vitamins which are essential for the proper functioning of the body. Currently algae polisaccharides have at once more importants in medicine, cosmetology and food industry. From the group of these compounds most commonly used are the polysaccharides from algae such as e.g: alginic acid, fucoidan, agar, carrageenan, hyaluronic acid and porphyran. In the presented aricle were presented the chemical and biological characteristics of these compounds. Attention has been focused on the using of algae polysaccharides in medicine and cosmetology. Also in present work were described beneficial effects of these groups of compounds on the human body, such as antithrombotic, anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antioxidant.

Keywords: Algae, Hyaluronic acid, Fucoidan, Alginic acid, Porphyran.

© Farm Pol, 2016, 72(7): 459–470