Jan Mieszkowski, Grzegorz Srokowski, Alicja Pałys, Irena Bułatowicz, Elżbieta Budzisz

Metody leczenia pacjentów z zaawansowaną osteoporozą

Methods of patients' treatment with advanced osteoporosis
Osteoporosis, a systemic skeletal system disease affecting ever younger age patients, characterized by a significant increase of fractures likelihood in the due to a decrease of bone mineral density (BMD) and abnormal bone microarchitecture. Osteoporosis collects their biggest harvest in the female population, where is a significant increase in incidence observed after 50 years of age. In the last twenty years osteoporosis treatment strategies have clearly evolved focusing on prevention and early diagnosis. However, treatment of osteoporosis remains a long-term process, not giving 100% guarantee for inhibition of the disease development. Despite of pharmacotherapy evolution its therapeutic efficacy is varied and requires an individual approach to each patient, and additionally use of different treatment methods (physiotherapy, kinesiotherapy), which will help to improve the general health condition of the patient and slowness the of osteoporotic changes. This article is an attempt to systematize the available pharmacotherapy of osteoporosis, the guidelines for their use and methods of physiotherapeutic treatment with a particular focus on kinesiotherapy – treatment through physical activity. The purpose of it’s a better understanding of the complex treatment methods and to present the merits of pharmacy and physiotherapy co-operation in treatment.
Keywords: osteoporosis, estrogens, bisphosphonate, parathyroid hormone, kinesiotherapy.
© Farm Pol, 2011, 67(11): 734-742