Joanna Pendzich, Wanda Maksymowicz-Mazur, Jerzy Kozielski
Streptomycyna we współczesnej chemioterapii gruźlicy: 1949-2011
Streptomycin in contemporary tuberculosis chemotherapy: 1949–2011
Discovery of streptomycin by Waksman and Schatz in 1943 became a revolution in the global war against tuberculosis. Streptomycin was the first effective antitubercular agent with therapeutic potential. The rules of tuberculosis treatment were changed frequently. Streptomycin monotherapy was replaced by combinations of antitubercular drugs. Besides streptomycin, subsequent drugs were added to tuberculosis treatment scheme, e.g. isoniazid, para-aminosalicylic acid, rifampicin, pyrazinamide. In 1981 British Medical Council published standard scheme of tuberculosis treatment, which is still recommended by World Health Organization. The standard treatment is composed of intensive phase and consecutive continuation phase. Streptomycin is one of four firstline antitubercular drugs in the standard scheme. According to the progress in medical and pharmaceutical sciences, WHO successively promotes important recommendations (the latest published in 2010). In accordance with them, streptomycin should be applied mainly to patients with liver disorder, tuberculous meningitis, and to the previously treated patients.
Keywords: streptomycin, tuberculosis, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, chemotherapy, antitubercular agents.
© Farm Pol, 2011, 67(10): 656-662