Mariola Drozd, Anna Kijewska, Joanna Jaremek-Kudła, Agnieszka Skowron

Ocena porady farmaceuty w procesie samoleczenia

The estimate of pharmaceutical advice in self-medication
A pharmacist is often the first person a patient refers to, awaiting advice, support, treatment, or all of these. Pharmacist’s advice is crucial for self-medication to get a rational dimension. The research work is an attempt to assess the quality of pharmacists’ advice in terms of the recommendations given to the patients referring to a pharmacy shop with a specific health problem. The research material consisted of 150 questionnaires filled in by the interviewer talking to pharmacists-providers of advice. The study was conducted in 129 public pharmacies in Lublin. The task of a pharmacist is to adequately diagnose a problem of a referring patient. The quality of the advice was assessed as insufficient. The analysis comprised the type of recommendations given by pharmacists who mainly focused on offering specific drugs. Few of them referred patients to a physician in order to make a detailed diagnosis of the disease. It is worth pointing that during most of the inquiries in pharmacy shops, pharmacists kindly responded to patients and when in doubt, they explained the reaction of individual drugs.
Keywords: self-medication, pharmaceutical care, pharmaceutical advice.
© Farm Pol, 2011, 67(10): 650-655