Agnieszka Skowron, Wioletta Polak, Jerzy Brandys

Problemy lekowe u pacjentów objętych opieką farmaceutyczną w ramach programu FONTiC

Drug-related problems among patients of pharmaceutical care project (FONTiC)

Aim: Qualitative and quantitative analysis of drug-related problems among patients of pharmaceutical care project (FONTiC).
Methods: DRP (drug-related problems) identified among patients from FONTiC to June 14, 2010. The accuracy of pharmacists’ classification was verified.
Results: 31 patients were included. 36 drug-related problems identified by pharmacists occurred in 11 of the patients. Most often identified problems were interactions and contraindications (19,4% of DRP, each). Most often identified cause was inappropriate drug selection (36,7%) and most often performed action – patient referring to the prescriber (58,3%). 44,4% of DRP were totally solved, 27,8% were not solved. Outcomes of 25% of interventions were not known. 75% of DRP, 61% of causes, 50% of interventions and 47% of outcomes were classified correctly.
Conclusions: Pharmacists identify and classify correctly DRP but errors in causes’, interventions’ and outcomes’ classification are more common.
Keywords: community pharmacy services, pharmaceutical services, pharmaceutical care, drug utilization review, drug-related problem.
© Farm Pol, 2011, 67(9): 577-584